Articles by keyword «коэффициент»

Articles in journal «Agriculture, forestry and water management»

Тохметов Т.М. Переваримость кормов и усвоение питательных веществ коровами

№ 12 December 2012

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Velikanov V.S., Abdrakhmanov A.A., Safin G.G. Improvement of a technique of an assessment of competence of the personnel of aspect of management of intellectual potential of the mining enterprises

November, 2015

Medvedeva A.K. To the question of assessing the economic sustainability of the enterprise

December, 2015

Yanshitova E.V., Rusinova N.V. Analysis of the ecological balance of the Pluginer the Republic of Mari El

April, 2016

Определение коэффициента трения сыпучих веществ и его влияние на сцепление покрытий

May, 2017