UDC 631.51.01


Ryabtseva Natalya Aleksandrovna
Don State Agrarian University, Persianovsky
Department of Agriculture and storage technology of crop production Candidate of Agricultural Associate Professor

The results of the experiments for the years 2003-2010 to study the conditions of adaptation in the primary tillage, sowing methods and links with spring barley crop rotation. Data analysis bioenergy assessment cultivation of spring barley showed that the optimal functioning of crop rotation, from an energy point of view, are pea - barley, couples - winter wheat - barley, mix cereal and legume crops - barley and winter wheat - winter wheat - barley (more than 1) and the worst - alfalfa - barley (0.55). The greatest expenditure of energy technologies have been under moldboard tillage on crops in the crop rotation of cross-links peas - barley (33.76 GJ / ha), couples - winter wheat - barley (33.61 GJ / ha), spring wheat - barley (33.15 GJ / ha), a mix cereal and legume crops - barley (32.81 GJ / ha).

Category: Agriculture

Article reference:
Ryabtseva N.A. Biopower evaluation growing spring barley // Agriculture, forestry and water management. 2014. № 12 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://agro.snauka.ru/en/2014/12/1746

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