UDC 636.598:591.47


Toktarova G.K.1, Djanabekova G.K.2, Janabekov K.3
1South Kazakhstan State University named M.Auezov, Master of Veterinary Science
2Kazakh National University of Agriculture Kazakh National University of Agriculture, d.b.n. dos.
3Kazakh National University of Agriculture Kazakh National University of Agriculture, к.b.n. prof.

The article has devoted to an investigation work about the morphometric indicators and the dynamic development process of the Japanese female quail breed glandular stomach from 1 day to 290 days in post incubatory period. The largest linear growth indicators such as length, volume and thickness of the stomach wall switches are taken for purpose to investigate age differences of the quails groups. At the same time, at the dynamic developing process the glandular stomach is defined at the adult quails during the periods of 71 to 290 per days the highest rate of glandular stomach growth corresponded to the third technological investigation stage.

Keywords: dynamics, dynamics of growth, glandular stomach, morphometric

Category: Agriculture

Article reference:
Toktarova G.K., Djanabekova G.K., Janabekov K. The morphometric indicators and histological parameters of the development process of japanese female quail breed gizzard stomach in post incubatory period // Agriculture, forestry and water management. 2015. № 1 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://agro.snauka.ru/en/2015/01/1777

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The quail farming is one of the newest developing spheres in agricultures [1]. The morphology of the Japanese quail differs depending on its stage in life [2].

The Japanese quail has played an active role in the lives of humanity since the 12th century, and continues to play major roles in industry and scientific research. [3].

It has been difficult to explore birds’ stomach digestion parts and morphometric structures because of their some related stomach construction features. Birds glandular stomach parts belong to stomach digestion organ. The birds stomach digestion’s motor-evacuation working function in their organisms has performed during compression (diastole), and supported the stomach working properly [4].

Birds glandular stomach has been played great role in the stomach digestion. Exactly, at first, it has been like a food stuff mix like a food with a big dimensions [5].

And, secondly, glandular stomach wall produced a gastric juice. The Gastric juice with a rich chemical ferments could help to digest and turn complex foods into light foods, otherwise it has been provided digesting by chemical way [6].

The main aim of our research workis to investigate – Japanese female quail breed in post incubatory period the glandular stomachs’ morphometric indicators and the dynamics of the development process by their age differentiations.

The hypothesis of the works is Japan female quail’s breeding with a glandular stomach during post incubatory period.

Methods of research work and materials

research work is investigated in a “Baibolat” farming which has located in Almaty oblast, Yile district, Karaoi village.

We divide female quails into three groups and named those groups: chickens, young birds and adult birds.

Research work has used the 65 quails totally. Necessary numbers for morphometric research work is taken from Japanese female quails glandular stomach.

According the study the mentioned birds groups, relevantly to their age difference are defined the following digestion part’s size parameters(cm) into length of glandular stomach; size; ( cm) and edge width( cm).

Research results

In the Table-1 is given Japan female quail’s breeding glandular stomach part’s the morphometric parameters by age differences As it is shown below, it is raised birds dynamic by ages.

Table 1 is the morphometric parameters from 1 to 290 days Japanese female quail’s breeding the glandular stomach parts between age.

Technological stage

Growth rate groups, days

Length cm М± m

Size М± m

Edge width , см М± m










30- days




II. young quails





















III. Adult quails
















0,10 ±0,01





15 daily chicken quails ‘glandular are longer for 0,051cm just born chicken from the egg, and it composed 0,31 0,31±0,08 см (Р<0,05)cm.

An average rate is 8,2% equal for these 15 days quails chicken. And 30 days chickens indicators are 0,06 сm and 0,52±0,04 cm, and for young birds 45 days indicator showed 0,07 cm and 0,61±0,12 сm; 65 days is s equal to 0,04 cm and 0,64±0,16сm (Р<0,01).

A glandular stomach length beween 45 days and 65 days are raised to 9,2% at a young birds. The glandular stomach parts length 70 days age are 0,02 сm and 0,65±0,03 сm; at 85 days age raised to 0,007 сm and 0,66±0,07 сm; otherwise 125 days age to 0,005 сm and 0,67±0,03сm;180 days adult quails glandular stomach length indicator are the same like 125 days adult quails. 200 days adult birds that indicator is 005 сm and 0,68±0,04 cm;

220 days birds that indicator are noticed 0,003 сm and 0,69±0,06 сm; days adult birds results are the same like 220 days birds. 290 days adult quails glandular stomach parts counting length is 0,002 сm and 0,69±0,06 сm. Ages between 85 days and 290 days adult quails glandular stomach comparatively is equal to 9,4%.

We use a glass with water which has special cm scale to define glandular stomach width of Japanese female quails.

We determine glandular stomach size increasing number of indicator by drowning glandular stomach into that glass bottom, making notice, how high water volume could raise. It is noticed in the 15 days chickens about 0,06 сm and 0,45±0,2 сm.

After post incubatory periods between ages 1 day and 15 days that comparative indicator by glandular stomach size was 8,2%; 30 daily chickens were equal 0,17 сm and 0,63±0,05с; Young quails 45 days were 0,05 сm and 0,67±0,07сm; 65 daily 0,03 сm and 0,72±0,04сm.

Young quails at 45 days and between 65 days glandular stomach parts size were an average 9,1%. 70 days were 0,02 сm and 0,73±0,06 сm. Adult quails were equal at 85 days 0,02 сm and 0,75±0,06сm; 125 days – 0,02 сm and 0,76±0,07 см (Р<0,05); 180 days – 0,007 сm and 0,77±0,05 сm; 200 days – 0,01 сm and 0,78±0,04 сm; 220 days — 0,01 сm and 0,80±0,07 сm; 260 days — 0,009 сm and 0,81±0,03 сm; 290 days- 0,007 сm and 0,81±0,05сm (Р<0,05).

Adult quails between age 80 and 290 days glandular stomach size was equal to 9,2% .

It has been revealed dynamic growth of the glandular stomach at age differentiation by investigating edge width. It was discovered that at chicken stage between from 1 to 15 days edge width widened to 0,013 cm and 0,064±0,02cm; 30 days 0,02 сm and 0,073±0,04сm. An average rate to 1 day to 15 days glandular stomach edge width was 4,1 percent. 45 days -00,1 cm and 0,08±0,04 сm; 65 days – 0,002 сm and 0,9±0,04 сm. Between 45 days 65 days at a young quails stomach edge width was 7,6%. 70 days age — 0,005 сm and 0,105±0,06 сm.

At the third technological stage 85 days -0,007 сm and 0,12±0,04сm; 125 days – 0,003 сm and 0,12±0,08 сm; 180 days – 0,005 сm and 0,12±0,04 сm; It wasn’t noticeable a differentiation between age 220 days 0,003 сm and 0,13±0,04 сm; 260 days – 0,003 сm lower and equal 0,10±0,01сm. 290 days were stable like previous condition. Adult quails sage stomach edge width comparatively was equal to 12 percent.

Histology of the glandular portion of the stomach in female Japanese quail.

In the glandular part of the stomach is composed of quail mucosa, submucosa, a longitudinal layer of the muscular coat, the annular layer of the tunica muscularis, serous membrane, submucosa alveoli, alveolar submucosa. In female Japanese quail grown under industrial conditions at the poultry farm “
Baibolat,” in the glandular portion of the stomach muscle sheath is formed of smooth muscle tissue has three layers: an inner layer – a longitudinal, middle – and an outer ring – longitudinal (Figure 2).


1 Fig.                                                          2 Fig.                                                         3 Fig.

Fig. 1 Submucosa glandular portion of the stomach quail in 15 – day old. Hematoxylin and eosin. Volume. 40 x 10.

Fig. 2 Submucosa and muscular layer of the glandular portion of the stomach in quail in 45 – day old. Hematoxylin and eosin. Volume. 40 x 10.

Fig. 3 glandular ducts of the glandular portion of the stomach quail in 70 – day old. Hematoxylin and eosin. Volume. 40 x. 10.

Analyses to the experiment results

It is investigated different daily Japanese female quails post incubatory period their glandular stomach morphometric indicators and growth dynamic rate by research result. Technological stages each step age differentiations glandular stomach length at the young quails 65 days, by size at the adult quails in a 290 days, and glandular stomach edge width at the adult quails 22o days were reached the highest rate.


In conclusion, the research work found out Japanese female quail’s glandular stomach parts length, size, edge width growth dynamic development proses was higher in an adult quails at their technological third stage. Research work has recovered tendency of Japanese female quail’s glandular stomach in the developing proses, it also would help to understand the morphological changes, biological developing stages by the age differentiation.

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  4. Malarmathi M., Gupta B.R., Prakash M.G., Reddy A.R. Selection indices for the improvement of production traits in Japanese quails // Tamilnadu J. Veterinary and Animal Sciences – 2010. – Vol. 6, № 4 – P. 170-173.
  5. Zheng, W., Yoshimura, Y. Organ-specificity of estrogen effects on the induction of immunocompetent cells in the chicken
  6. Bragulla, Hermann; Hirschberg, Ruth; Heidbrink, Stefanie (2001): Comparative morphology of the gastrointestinal tract in raptorial birds.. Journal of Morphology, 2001, v. 248 (3), p. 209.

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