UDC 631.524.84


Ryabtseva Natalia Aleksandrovna
Don state agrarian university

The efficiency of cultivation of different varieties of safflower depending on sowing time. The experiments were performed in the Rostov region in 2014. It sets the lowest profitability in growing varieties Ershovsky 4 at sowing in the third decade of April - 12.03%, and the highest grades in Kamyshin 73 - 184.13% when sown in early April.

Keywords: profitability, safflower, sowing date, variety

Category: Agriculture

Article reference:
Ryabtseva N.A. Economic performance of growing safflower // Agriculture, forestry and water management. 2015. № 6 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://agro.snauka.ru/en/2015/06/2370

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