Articles by keyword «grain»

Articles in journal «Agriculture, forestry and water management»

Osokina N.M., Kostetska K.V. Сравнительная оценка зерна яровых пшеницы и тритикале как сырья для изготовления хлеба

№ 2 February 2014

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Panasyuk A.N., Petrenko E.S., Maksimenkova N.O., Ernst O.G. State of production maize for grain in the Amur region

April, 2016

Aleksandrov A.A. Research the number of grains per unit mass of grinding powders of silicon carbide black

December, 2016

Articles in journal «Modern Technics and Technologies»

Gurinenko L.A., Ivanov V.V., Semenikhin A.M. Parameters of disk couple of grinder

February, 2016