Articles by keyword «planting»

Articles in journal «Agriculture, forestry and water management»

Vays A.A. Таблица сумм площадей поперечных сечений и запасов осиновых древостоев

№ 8 August 2013

Vays A.A., Krasikov I.I. Класс товарности темнохвойных насаждений Восточно-Саянского горно-таежного района

№ 10 October 2013

Vays A.A. Мониторинг таксационных показателей еловых насаждений Средней Сибири на основе таблиц хода роста

№ 7 July 2014 | Category: Forestry

Weis A.A. Форма поперечного сечения деревьев сосны обыкновенной (Pinus sylvestris L.) в условиях заповедника «Столбы» с учетом типологической структуры

№ 2 February 2015

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Weis A.A. Structure of phytomass of needles taking into account standard distribution of trees and local tables of the course of growth of pine plantings of Angarski Krai

August, 2015

Kachanova Y.P. Research of features of reproduction of larches in North-West of Russia

August, 2015

Avdeev Y.M., Hamitova S.M., Garanovich I.M., Gavrilova Y.S., Shasherina M.A. Evaluation of defects of timber in pine plantations

February, 2016

Wais A.A. Modern scientific researches in the field of formation and development of plantings

February, 2016

Wais A.A. Monitoring of taxation indicators of cedar plantings of Central Siberia on the basis of tables of the course of growth

February, 2016

Dresvyannikov A.V., Krasikov I.I., Vais A.A. Poisonous plants of birch plantings of the South of Middle Siberia

January, 2017

Articles in journal «Researches in Science»

Vays A.A. Monitoring the factors larixs plantings Siberia on base of the tables of the move of the growing

July, 2013

Vays A.A. Description key habitats area wood of the territory scholastic-experienced leshoza Sibgtu

August, 2013

Vays A.A. Table of the amounts of the areas of the cross-section and spare listvennichnyh plantings

September, 2013

Weis A.A. Modern scientific researches in the field of reforestation and formation of plantings

February, 2015