Articles by keyword «thinning»

Articles in journal «Agriculture, forestry and water management»

Rusinova N.V. Определение числа биогрупп деревьев на участке леса

№ 8 August 2014 | Category: Forestry

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Rusinova N.V. Мethod of estimation of selection of trees to be felled

August, 2014

Kohun L.S., Morozov Y.А., Martynov S.O. Effect of profile deforming tools in forming blanks stamping and roll

November, 2015

Avdeev Y.M., Hamitova S.M., Garanovich I.M., Gavrilova Y.S., Shasherina M.A. Evaluation of defects of timber in pine plantations

February, 2016